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Chocolate Nut Waffles

Chocolate Nut Waffles

1 egg, room temperature and separated
1¼ cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
¼ cup sweetened chocolate powder (hot chocolate powder)
¾ cup milk
¼ cup butter, melted and cooled
¼- 1/3 cup chopped nuts
¼- 1/3 cup chocolate chips, optional

Beat egg white in a small bowl until stiff and set aside.
Mix together dry ingredients and set aside. Combine egg yolk, milk and butter.
Add to dry ingredients, mixing until just blended. Add nuts and chocolate chips,
if desired, and fold in beaten egg white until just mixed.
Do not overbeat batter.

Bake in wafflemaker and serve.

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